Design #1AA -
• Top photos fade-animate or slide energy related photos
a. Various taglines slide-in over the photos. 'These can be edited and
maintain via the back-end admin'.
• Has quick contact form on the home page |
Design #1BB
• Same as 1A demonstrating a second photo and new tagline.
Design #1CC
• Same as 1A except graphic icons are seen the top section to
call attention to various interior informational pages.
(See 2CC below for the hover effect of the icons) |
Design #2AA -
• Top photos fade-animate or slide energy related photos
a. Various taglines slide-in over the photos. 'These can be edited and
maintain via the back-end admin'.
• Graphic icons are seen the top section to call attention to various
interior informational pages. |
Design #2BB -
• Instead of using single images fading or sliding into view,
this design will have images that will flip over in sequence and display
a new tagline with each flip. |
Design #2CC-
• Same as 2BB except demonstrating the hover effect for each
icons. When the user hovers the image an image and short description appears
with a hyperlink for navigating to the same interior page. |