1a- Features: • Top section will slide-in or animate
photos from the left and right or is triggered by clicking on the red
navigation. These photos are visible at higher browser resolutions.
• Actual Before and After photos are super-imposed over
a Water background or Fire, Smoke, Mold Wind and Odor.
• The navigation will open and collapse ( accord ian-style).
• Face book feed is displayed.
1b- Features: • Same as design #1a except the Face
book feed has been truncated and animating customer testimonials have
been added.
Design 1c- Features: • Same as design #1b except demonstrating
having a full photo over a background versus 2 photos. Any of these photo
combinations may be used.
Design 1d- Features: • Same as design #1c except demonstrating
having a full photo with no background. Any photo combinations mentioned
here may be used.
Design 2a-
Features: • Top section will slide-in animate photos.
These photos can be advanced or reverse by arrows.
• Hovering on the blue transparent (After) photo turns this
to color. Clicking on photo turns to (Before) photo to blue and the (After)
photo remains in color.
• Customer testimonials have been added in
the upper right.
Design 2b- Features: • Same as design #2a except demonstrating
showing the (After) photo in color and the (Before) photo in blue.
Design 2c- Features: • Same as design #2b except the lower
section has been colored blue-gray versus dark blue.
Design 3a-
Features: • Top section will slide-in animate photos.
These photos can be advanced or reverse by arrows.
Design 3b- Features: • Same as design #3a except the introduction
copy is over a transparent white block instead of a blue block.
Design 3c- Features: • Same as design #3b except Face book
feed has been added.
Design 3d- Features: • Same as design #3c except customer
testimonials have been added.
Design 4a-
Features: • Top section will slide-in animate photos.
These photos can be advanced or reverse by arrows. Below the main photos
are thumbnails that are darkened. When a thumbnail photo reaches the far
left it is brightened and highlighted by a red border and matching photo
is displayed above.
• Click on the before or after links in the
top pauses the scroller and the appropriate photo is displayed.
Design 4b- Features: • Same as design #4a except a demonstrating
where the (Before) link has been clicked.
Design 4c- Features: • Same as design #4a except demonstrating
a high-pass, dot matrix filter effect applied to the main photo.