Bella Mod Boutique Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE - Placeholder Comps    |    Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design    |     Design Comprehensives #1    |     Design Comprehensives #2    |     Design Comprehensives #3    |     Website Comprehensives

Design 1A -
- Upper or first section animates taglines.
- Second section used for displaying 'Featured Designers'
- Third or lower section to be used for highlighting fashion offerings by category or other means.
Design #1B -
- Same as design 1A except the upper horizontal navigation area is dark with white text.
Design #1B ALT- and/or #1B ALT-2
- Same as design 1B except the homepage has been configured to have 1, 2 or more large content areas. For example in '1B ALT' I have displayed Designers and Services. These boxes could be filled with adverts or teaser content that links to a details page. IMPORTANT! - Long scrolls are very popular today and seen and many websites.
Design #1C -
- Same as design 1B except a sub-header titled 'Featured Fashions' has been added and different product text has been used in the lower for boxes to demonstrate the variety of ways products can be highlighted.
Design #1D -
Same as design 1C except the top logo header now has a dark background and the logo text is light tan. There is a line horizontal rule beneath the logo to give it separation from the navigation tabs.
Design #2A NORMAL-
- When the homepage initially loads, the upper fashion sections show a duotone color. (see next slide for the mouse-hover effect)
Design #2A HOVERED-
- When the fashion sections are hovered they become color.
Design #2B NORMAL-
- Same as design 2A except the upper horizontal navigation area is dark with white text.
- Additionally the colors for the 3 fashion boxes have enhanced color depth.
Design #2B HOVERED- Design #2C NORMAL-
- Same as design 2B except the upper horizontal navigation area is dark red with white text and the logo background is reversed.
- Additionally the colors for the 3 fashion boxes have enhanced color depth.
 Design #2C -HOVERED
Design #3A-
Design #3B-
- Same as design 3B except upper logo section is

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