1a- Features:
• Top section will fade-animate different
photos behind the soldier showing the soldier in various situational
• The lower thumbnail scroller
will scroll four (4) project highlights at a time and hyperlink to interior
pages. User may use the arrows to advance or reverse the scroller.
• The map in the exterior-background will fill browser
screens up to 1690 resolution.
• Different taglines may also rotate with
photos if needed.
Design 1b- Features:
• Same as design 1a expect the introductory
text is shown as black over white. |
Design 1c- Features:
• Same as design 1a expect the top navigation
bar is light gray with rudy red navigation text. |
Design 2a-
• Top section will fade-animate different
photos behind the soldier showing the soldier in various situational environments.
• The lower thumbnail scroller will
scroll four (4) project highlights at a time and hyperlink to interior
pages. User may use the arrows to advance or reverse the scroller.
• The map in the exterior-background will fill browser screens
up to 1690 resolution.
• Different taglines may also rotate with
photos if needed. |
Design 2b- Features:
• Same as design 2a expect the introductory
text is shown as white over black gradient. |
Design 2c- Features:
• Same as design 2a expect the introductory
text is shown as red and black over a white gradient. |