Mobile Sat Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE      Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design      REVISION #1      INTERIOR SAMPLE #1      INTERIOR #2      INTERIOR #3

Design 1a- Features:
Revised the original design to be next step wider at 1160.
Added location box after 'Contact'. (can be change to different subject if required)
Design 1b- Features:
Same as design 1a except showing suggestion for 'Super Nav'. In this example user will hover over any main sections on the left to display related sub-sections on the right side.
Design 2a- Features:
Same as design 1a except the top slide show has been redesigned.
Design 2b- Features:
Same as design 2a with 'Super Nav' displayed.
Design 3a- Features:
Top navigation bar is solid blue.
Main slide show redesigned; boxes beneath main hover will advance one at a time. Each time an advancing box reaches the far left side it will 'highlight' and it's contents are displayed above.
User may hover any small box to display main image.
User may use 'Arrows' left or right side to advance or go back. (see a similar we created at ''. Additionally as many boxes as needed can be featured in the animation.
Different star field is used in the background with grid lines.
NOTE: The top satellite path lines, grid lines, star field and blue navigation bar will fill the browser screen left to right at high screen resolutions.
Design 3b- Features:
Same as design 3a with 'Super Nav' displayed.
Design 4a- Features:
Same as design 3a with white header background in top section.
Design 4b- Features:
'Super Nav' is displayed.

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