Design #1A -
1) Top photos fade-animate or slide health concious related photos
a. Various taglines slide-in over the photos. 'These can be edited and
maintain via the back-end admin'.
2) Most recent 'Events', Health and Science' and Gallery photos dynamically
populate to the homepage |
Design #1B
1) Same as 1A demonstrating a second photo in the animation sequence.
Design #2A -
1) Top photos fade-animate or slide health concious related photos
a. Various taglines slide-in over the photos. 'These can be edited and
maintain via the back-end admin'.
2) The Intro-paragraph and Membership Benefits are tabbed.
3) Most recent 'Events', Health and Science' and Gallery photos dynamically
populate to the homepage |
Design #2B -
1) Same as 2A demonstrating a second photo in the animation sequence. |
Design #3A -
1) Top photos fade-animate or slide health concious related photos
a. Various taglines slide-in over the photos. 'These can be edited and
maintain via the back-end admin'.
2) Most recent 'Events', Health and Science' and Gallery photos dynamically
populate to the homepage |
Design #4A -
1) Top photos fade-animate or slide health concious related photos
a. Various taglines slide-in over the photos. 'These can be edited and
maintain via the back-end admin'.
2) Most recent 'Events', Health and Science' and Gallery photos dynamically
populate to the homepage