Gontarek Eyecare Responsive Website Comprehensives


Home 1A-
Top center photo will rotate 4 photos, text and link. Can be managed and edited as needed for specials or adverts.
Center area has avert intro for 'Ask the Doctor' video and 'Fast submission form'.
In lower footer there are jump links to any page within the website for quick user reference.
Home 1B-
Same as 1A except that the lower 'Jump links' have been removed.
Home 1C-
Same as 1B except that the top center photo or advert area extends full screen, left and right sides.
Home 1C-Hover and Notes
Notes for drop down navigation areas and other dynamic effects explained.
Home 2A-
Top center photo will rotate 4 photos, text and link. Can be managed and edited as needed for specials or adverts.
'Ask the Doctor' video is shown higher in the fold.
Mid-page the sub navigation is displayed.
In lower footer there are jump links to any page within the website for quick user reference.
Home 2B-
Same as 2A except demonstrating a different 'Ask the Doctor' video still that will change randomly with each page refresh.
Home 2C-
Same as 2B except demonstrating a different top photo and text advert that appears in the 4 photo animation. ( All designs will have this animation effect).
Home 1C-Hover and Notes
Notes for hover effects on the navigation areas and other dynamic effects explained.

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